Laura-Jay Cape Cod Striped-Bass Report

Well, after having 3 trips blown out this weekend due to thunderstorms and heavy winds, we rebounded nicely today.  Started the trip late today to let the last of the weekend weather pass, and left the dock at a leisurly 11:00.  The plan worked well, as the seas flattened out for the trip to Billinsgate Shoal, and the Stripers were waiting.  Solid action from the start, and we limited out in about an hour.  Plenty of releases after that, as we had a good mix all day of schoolies and 30″-34″ fish.  All the fish today were on tube and worm – probably some bigger fish in the deep if we’d gone to wire, but the people were having fun just fishing leadcore. 

Great fishing – June is always alot of fun in the Bay.